Advanced Cupping

Advanced Cupping

Advanced Cupping Therapy is negative ressure with far infrared, negative ions and magnetic vibration. Based on traditional Chinese medicine concepts, with therapeutic benefits similar to acupuncture, moxa, massage, Qigong, guasha and traditional cupping. What makes Advanced Cupping unique are the additional advanced therapeutic benefits derived from far infrared, negative ions, magnetics and vibration that promote your health naturally!

Far Infrared Therapy

Far Infrared, a feature of cupping machine technology, is the invisible wave of heat energy that  provides all the healing components ofnatural infrared light without any of the negative effects of sun exposure. Benefits may include:
Immune System Support– The subtle heating of the infrared ray has been shown to support the immune system by increasing white blood cells and killer T-cells (a type of white blood cell that kills cancer cells).
Cardiovascular system Conditioning – By penetrating the body, these healing infrared rays are shown to help condition the cardiovascular system.
Increased Energy – The treatment boosts the metabolism, which helps break down fat, cellulite, waste and other toxic substances.
Lower blood pressure, improved blood vessel function, increased circulation, reduced cholesterol and blood sugars; also aids in weight loss and smoking cessation, according to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology ( J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002 March. 39(5):754-759. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(01)01824-1.)
]Improved Organ Function – Far infrared therapy increases oxygenation and regeneration of blood cells by expanding the capillaries that carry life-giving blood throughout the body.
Deep Detoxification – The therapy immobilizes and dissolves heavy metals, poisons and carcinogenic materials that may be hidden in body tissue, and promotes their release from the body.
Improved Mental Health – Far infrared heat may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Advocates believe that the reduction in mental health symptoms may be related to increased vitamin D production caused by regular exposure to far infrared heat which is beneficial in elevating and stabilizing the limbic and nervous system, there by promoting emotional well-being.

Negative Ion Therapy

Negative ions are oxygen atoms charged with extra electrons. They are created innature by the effects of water, air, sunlightand the Earth’s inherent radiation. Negatively charged ions are most prevalent in natural places and particularly around moving water or after a thunderstorm.
People sometimes feel a giddy sensation when they go from a closed, airtight room to aforest, beach, waterfall or other natural setting where the air is fresh and in motion. That’s because air in motion forms a negative oxygen ion from the combination of oxygen molecules in the air with free electrons. Negative oxygen ions are known in the medical profession as vitamin O, the air vitamin, or the longevity factor because of their health benefits.

Negative ion density varies by location. For example:

  • 10,000-20,000/cubic cm are found in forests, waterfalls, beaches
  • 400-1000/cub cm are found in parks
  • 40-50/cubic cm are found in office buildings

* Advanced Cupping Therapy (Biboting ???Treatment) provides very high-density negative ions at the 3,000,000/cubic cm level!

Health Benefits of Negative Ion Therapy

  • Increases sense of well-being and mental clarity, increase blood oxygen flow to the brain.
  • Effective in helping Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), depression, anxiety.
  • Reduces instances of headache and other chronic pain, including, but not limited to. pain caused by injuries, arthritis, tendinitis, fibromyalgia, neuralgia and muscle spasms
  • Elevates mental concentration and performance,
  • Increases oxygen level in blood and throughout the body, improves organ functions.
  • Improves sleep by normalizing serotonin levels in the brain.
  • Reduces inflammation in the body.

Negative ions increase blood oxygen flow to the brain resulting in higher alertness decreased drowsiness and more mental energy”
– Dr. Pierce J. Howard, PhD, Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences

Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic Therapy applies magnetic fields that activate the body’s natural electromagnetic impulse to assist healing, provide pain relief and support optimal health. The brain works by communicating through electromagnetic frequencies that can be stimulated by internal or external forces. Interactions between the body and the electromagnetic environment occur continually, forming the biorhythms that also determine the biological clock of the body. The brain and immune system are constantly sending messages to each other via electromagnetic impulses. Both are intricately influenced by energy frequencies.

Health Benefits of Magnetic Therapy

  • Aids brain disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Muscular Dystrophy, Stroke.
  • Heals injuries
  • Relieves pain, arthritis, headaches, back pain and supports other pain management methodologies
  • Improves blood flow
  • Energizes and stimulates nerve and brain functions
  • Improves blood pressure
  • Relieves nervous tension
  • Eases joint and muscular complaints

Vibration Therapy

Advanced Cupping provides high frequency vibration (7200b/m vibration). When vibrations are transmitted to the body, they cause muscles to contract and relax. They also increase the production of osteoblasts – cells that produce bone tissue.

Health Benefits of Vibration Therapy

  • Increases bone density
  • Increases muscle mass
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Reduces joint pain
  • Reduces back pain
  • Alleviates stress
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Eases symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
  • Helps Scoliosis

Negative Pressure Modern Medicine

Negative pressure effect generates hemangiectasis or fracture of partial cells and lead to hemolysis, which propels partial circulation and metabolism and alter nourish status of partial texture; it helps enhance permeability of vascular wall, phagocytosis activity of hemaneba, stamina of a human body and people’s immune competence and resistance.

Modern Medicine

By stimulating peripheral nerve, it propels blood circulation, lymphocinesia and intertexture metabolism, coordinates functions of various textures and organs and improve metabolism level of a human body.

Advanced Cupping Benefits

  • Detoxify the blood, lymphatic system and international organs
  • Burnish the body, increase immunity and oxygen level
  • Pain relief (acute /chronic pain, headache, neck pain, back pain, arthritis, tendinitis,
    fibromyalgia, muscle tension…)
  • Helps stress and depression, relax the body and mind
  • Facial Rejuvenation (face lift, wrinkles, acne, eye bags)
  • Lipo reduction (in face, neck, back, hips, legs, arms, abdominal )
  • Breast health (fibrocystic breast, breast soreness, breast firming, breast enlargements)
  • Prostate health
  • Regulate Gastrointestinal function (IBS, poor digestion, constipation, diarrhea)
  • Helps relief Parkinson’s systems
  • Help correcting Scoliosis
  • Increase muscle mass and bone density
  • Increase energy level helps chronic fatigue
  • Helps improve respiratory functions, benefit asthma, COPD, chronic cough, shortness of breath, common cold, allergy, sinus)
  • Improves your overall health and well being.

Case Studies

Marianne | Age: 84

Suffers from scoliosis. Patient couldn’t remembered when but alway didn’t feel well on the back), her rib cage was turned to right side. She was hit by a 18 wheeler, left T4-8 ribs broken, left lung was punctured in Nov. 2017. Patient was receiving acupuncture and moxa right after she released from the ICU. Feb. 02, 2018, adding advanced cupping for the first time on her back, got treatments 1-2 times a week, and she felt so much better and from the pictures below can see significant improvements on her S-spine!

Jane | Age: 54

Suffers from neck , mid back and lower back pain for 17 years since her first car accident, caused C5,6 and L1to S1 discs herniated. Patient has been using acupuncture, PT, chiropractic and massage to manage the pain. Since February of 2018, adding advanced cupping ??? to the treatment, the persistent pain and tightness at L4, 5 and S1 facet joints is gone! Also surprisingly from the pictures can see noticeable changes in the back, extra fatty tissue is going away and skin is much smoother and much more relax!

Marylyn | Age: 78

Diagnosed with congested heart failure for 1 year and came into our clinic in June 2017 with the chief complaint of knee and leg pain and swelling. She had tried diuretic that was described by her doctor that didn’t help at all. She has been receiving acupuncture, moxa and massage treatments, pain in both knees and legs are better, edema is slightly less but not significant. March 12, 2018 added advanced cupping to her knees and legs, and after 2nd cupping on March 21, so surprised to see her leg swelling is so much better, blood circulation is improved and her skin and tissues under the skin looked and felt much softer!